Term loans are heard quite often and people can generally assume to understand the basics of a term loan but knowing when and how to execute a term loan is crucial. Midstreet Capital can help. A term loan is a loan from a bank for a specific amount that has a specified repayment schedule and a fixed or floating interest rate. For example, many banks have term-loan programs that can offer small businesses the cash they need to operate from month to month. Often, a small business uses the cash from a term loan to purchase fixed assets such as equipment for its production process.
A term loan is for equipment, real estate or working capital paid off between one and 25 years. The loan carries a fixed or variable interest rate, monthly or quarterly repayment schedule, and set maturity date. The loan requires collateral and a rigorous approval process to reduce the risk of repayment. A term loan is appropriate for an established small business with sound financial statements and a substantial down payment to minimize payment amounts and total loan cost.
Term loans are used to finance your permanent working capital, new equipment, buildings, expansion, refinancing, and acquisitions. Commercial banks are the major source of funding. The term of the loan is based on the useful life of the assets being financed or collaterized. Your projected profit and cash flow are two key factors lenders consider when making term loans.